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This comprehensive system integrates audio file processing, backend management, and frontend display to handle call center conversations. It processes audio files for transcription and analysis, manages conversation data via a FastAPI backend, and displays conversation details through a Next.js frontend.


1. Audio File Processing and Analysis

2. FastAPI Backend Application

3. Next.js Frontend Application

Setup and Installation

Common Requirements

Audio Processor

  1. Install dependencies: pip install pymongo watchdog requests openai python-dotenv
  2. Run script: python app.py
  3. Set up MongoDB database and collection.
  4. Set environment variables for MongoDB URI, Gladia API key, and OpenAI API key.

FastAPI Backend

  1. Clone repository and install dependencies.
  2. Start server: uvicorn main:app --reload

Next.js Frontend

  1. Set up Next.js environment.
  2. Configure to connect with the FastAPI backend.
  3. Start server: npm run dev
  4. Build for production: npm run build


  1. Place audio files in the monitored directory for the Audio Processor.
  2. Use the FastAPI backend to manage and retrieve conversation data.
  3. Access the Next.js frontend to view conversation details.


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Get in touch

Email me at gorka@iand.dev gorka@iand.dev link